Telopea Speciossima

It's coming up to that time of the year again.  Over the next couple of months we will watch the Waratah buds start to do their thing!  It's an amazing cycle and it just seems to take ages before they take their full form.  

This image is of a glorious Waratah that came out after the fires went through Wombat Hollow in 2002.  This was the most magnificent bloom and I called it "Her Majesty".  A friend of mine took a wonderful photo of the bloom and I just love it.  About 8 years ago I met a botanical artist called Sybil Barber.  I was fascinated by her work and asked her if she would be happy to paint "Her Majesty" for me.  This is the result.  It's an incredible reproduction of an extraordinary Waratah.

Tiny Tuesday Week 5
Well, there you go, it's come around again.  Tiny Tuesday Week 5 and this week DollykGray will be our esteemed Guest Judge.  Still got my thinking cap on but I want it to be something "TINY" :-)
Please tag your images TinyTuesday5 and Tiny Tuesday.  Can't wait to see the first images start to come through.

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