Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Well, that was a hot one! Though I think our high was a mere 22° - quite enough for me! I am not built for the heat.

JR had a luncheon date in town, so Archie and I set off for the Hermitage of Braid - mostly under cover in the trees. Archie had several dips in the river, and I was almost tempted to stick my feet in....

We made it up Blackford Hill. Archie is so good when I'm struggling up the steep bits - he stops and waits for me, not going far ahead.

When I got home, what a sight to be seen! Scarecrow Ken Dodd hair - except the bits plastered down with sweat - face the colour of a boiled tomato. Did I mention that I'm not built for the heat...

Archie and I collapsed on the sofa for the afternoon and watched tennis/dozed.

Andy made it, though he does make it hard for himself. And if someone had offered me tickets for Wimbledon Centre Court today, I think I would have politely turned them down. It looked like a cauldron. I much prefer my sofa and my huge TV.

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