Au revoir, Honeybells

It was good staying on the Tipi Field, last year, but there were a handful of drawbacks. The noise was one, certainly, as was the competition to book a tipi, but the only thing I really didn't like was the walk from the car park to the Tipi Field, which was, I reckon, two or three miles, which is a lot when you're carrying bedding etc.

Honeybells, on the other hand, was maybe ten minutes walk from the car park plus they provided a mattress, so we had less to carry. On top of that, the showers were better and the loos were, well, pretty much as good as being at home - if slightly more cramped - and then there was the café-bar area, too. 

So, all in all, Honeybells was a good choice and I was sad to be leaving, this morning. Happily, though, we got up an hour later than last year, had less packing to do, and we were on the road by ten to seven. And it was lucky we had the shorter walk as the Minx's foot was in a bad way (to the point where I thought she might not be able to walk at all).

Consequently, when we got back to Chorley at half-eleven, we went straight to A&E. I'll spare you the details, not least because I don't want to appear to badmouth the NHS in any way. Suffice to say that we also visited Preston A&E, and it was after seven o'clock when I finally dropped the Minx home. It wasn't the most comfortable or relaxing way to spend the last day or our holiday but, actually, on the whole, I'd say we just enjoyed one another's company. No complaints!

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