
There is an argument, I know, for switching off completely when you go on holiday. Largely, I guess, it's about having a work/life balance that is fairly polarised; you don't let one overlap into another. 

My life doesn't really work like that. For example, pretty much the first thing I do every morning is check my email to ensure that all the things that are supposed to happen overnight have taken place: I don't wait until nine o'clock. But I'm not complaining, not by a long chalk. 

Sure, my life is messy in that my personal life and my work aren't clearly delineated but my job enables me to do loads of things that I enjoy. Like next weekend, for example: OK, so I lose part of Sunday travelling to London because I have meetings first thing on Monday morning but, on the other hand, I'll probably get to see my old chum Dan for a curry. It's not clear cut!

I'm mentioning all this as a precursor to telling you that while I was at Glastonbury, I was still checking my work email and making the occasional 'phone call. (And didn't mind one bit. In fact, I like being in touch.) One dividend from that was that when I came back into the office, today, there was not much waiting for me. A couple of papers on my desk to sign, a few administrative chores, and then just the handful of emails from the last few days that I'd decided could wait until I was back (officially) at work.

It was a nice day to be back. The weather was good, the windows were open, and my colleagues were even wearing shorts. Well, some of them. At one point, I went out to make a 'phone call - the lack of privacy being the only drawback of our open plan office - and I saw these two on the river, idling around. My track record for wildlife photography isn't great but I thought I'd give it another go :-)

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