Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Glass Half Full?


It rained last night.  I believe it thundered and lightening-ed too, but I must have been dead to the world, because I didn't see or hear it.  Woke up this morning though to the drubbing sound of torrential thunder rain. 

Rained most of the day, and I felt so sorry for the poor Farmer's Market which we decided to give a miss, and for the Scottish Game Fair at Scone Palace, ditto.

Instead, I headed along to Mum's in the afternoon to see my first cousin once removed, Keith, and his wife Andrea.  Haven't clapped eyes on him since his Granny's funeral (my Auntie Nan) about 12 years ago.  My sister Marion came too, and we had a lovely family "do you remember when..."? kind of afternoon. 

Keith's Dad is actually my cousin, but he is the same age as my Mum so we always called him 'Uncle Alan', rather than 'Cousin'.  When we were kids we used to go up to Buckie where they lived, and stayed in a caravan for our holidays.  Alan and his wife Isobel used to come to visit, and brought their three boys, Keith, Kevin and Karl, who were our ages.

Many happy afternoons were spent at Strathlene Caravan Park, or playing down on the beach at Findochty.  The Scottish seaside in September calls for hardy bairns! 

Anyway, home now, tidied up, shopping put away, dog walked, and I'm ready for a wee movie and a glass of red. 

Aah, sometimes life is just good.  Hope you are all having a lovely weekend too blipchums. 

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