Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Summer in the City

My home town of Perth just gained official 'City' status in 2012, although it has always been known as a city due to having a Cathedral.  My blip today is the High Street, heaving with shoppers on a Friday afternoon in the sunshine. 

I don't know how those of you who live in big cities cope with all the people; I love our wee city, where there is always plenty of room to spread out, and almost always a seat to be had when your legs get tired. 

Today I was going into town from the village, to meet a friend for coffee and then do a bit of shopping and pottering.  The weather forecast was for dull skies, and a bit of rain. 

Wrong!  It was warm, mostly blue sky, and not a drop of rain fell.  My friend cancelled as I sat in the café waiting for her, because her house is on the market, and someone had just phoned wanting to come and see it.  So I had even more time for pottering. 

I had a lovely afternoon, and when I got home G had made the tea and was cutting the grass. 

I'm sitting here now with a wee G&T, and I'm just about to watch this week's True Detective.  Along the road in Bankfoot, people will be going home after attending the candlelight vigil for the local couple who died in the Tunisian massacre last Friday. 

You've got to take the good stuff when it comes. 

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