Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Come Dine with Me

No 2 arrived home safe and sound from her travels (my mistake - she was in Lauder - not the Pentlands). The car smells of sheep sh** and her kit isn't too fresh either....but it's lovely to have her back. When the aching muscles are better I think she will look back on the challenge with very happy memories, I am 'Very Proud ' No 3!

Sat night out with some very, very lovely friends.

Tash and Craig's turn to host our 'Come dine with me' nights. Delicious food, fantastic company and yes, I STILL get cuddly after a few proseccos! It's a great pleasure to spend time with friends you love. Ones who know you - warts and all (waiting for the all clear from the docs -hahahhah) ! A Lovely evening.

Special thanks to Mr & Mrs H and Mr & Mrs W. Grand night !

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