Farmers' Choice

I always enjoy my visits to Farmers' Markets and today I made directly for the stall for freshly laid eggs.
At least, the sign assured me they were laid only yesterday and from months of buying eggs from the same stall holder I have no reason to doubt that.
So fresh in fact my evening supper is assured - a freshly boiled egg (or maybe two) with soldiers.
It need not be boiled of course. Scrambled egg and smoked salmon for breakfast tomorrow would be a mist acceptable alternative. Even the humble fried egg and a sausage has much better appeal when you know the egg is fresh and free range.
Just occasionally I have to buy eggs from the supermarket, but I have been known to drive miles to track down sources of fresh free range eggs.
Today, it was straightforward and the farm which is not too far away can be relied upon.
Can't wait for supper this evening!

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