Henley Royal Regatta (again)

When we went to Henley this time last year we thought it would be the first and last time to enjoy the experience, but we were wrong. My cousin's husband who is a member of the Royal Regatta and the mighty Leander Club invited us again and this time he was fit and well enough to attend with his wife, my cousin, Margaret.

And what a day. In the Stewards Enclosure again, where gentlemen must wear jackets all day and mobile phones are banned. Champagne flows like water and Pimms is drunk by the barrel. And to cap it all, Ian had also given us tickets to enter the hallowed Leander Club, home of the Sir Steve and Sir Matthew, the two most famous Olympians of all time. Many of their oars were hanging on the wall of the Drawing Room. What an honour to be able to visit the Club and marvel in the talented people who have graced those rooms.

We had an Afternoon Tea, which was expensive but an interesting if not entirely positive experience. Lots of cake but the sandwiches were dry round the edges and the next door people had snaffled sandwiches off our plates before we'd arrived. Who would have thought it in such company?

The rain held off and the day was warm and sunny right until the end when it began to drizzle as we went back to the car. Saw Sir Matthew walking the Stewards Enclosure and Theresa May was spotted. Which for some might have spoilt the event.

And the best thing? It's in the diary for next year!

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