If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Clickychick had an appointment in Carlisle in the afternoon so we decided to make a day of it.  After a very leisurely start we headed towards Carlisle with a number of things to get done but mainly in the afternoon.

y way of having a pleasant time filler we decided to visit a garden centre we have never visited.  When we arrived CC suggested as it was still dry we check out the outside areas leaving inside for if it rained.  As we wandered through the plants there was nothing to set the place apart from any other,  Suddenly CC said "I like this place we may come again".  What had changed her mind?  A big sign saying "Petting Area"! 

The area was well set out, and full of interest with ducks, geese , rabbits, Hebridean sheep, a couple of Shetland Ponies and quite a lot of goats.  This fellah seemed to be lord of all he surveyed and I think is a Toggenburg. A Swiss breed from guess where..... the Toggenburg area and is bred for milk.

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