Cycling Fail (again!)

Remember last Thursday when I was supposed to cycle with SkyRide? It didnt happen this week again. But it was for a very good reason. Our bike leader had a suspected appendicitis and had sharp pains around her midsection. I feel so sorry for her and sent an email wishing her well. I did my own cycling today although it wasnt really a proper workout since i only travelled around town and ended up getting late lunch at Jephson Gardens.

Plants and flowers around the gardens are blooming in full colours. The sunflowers are looking pretty well although they werent as huge as last year. Yeah, last year's sunflowers were nothing i have ever seen before. The middle section (i think those are the seeds) was as large as my face!

I also cycled to Victoria Park. I saw kids playing inside this permanent paddling pool inside the park. I also chanced upon this marker to commemorate the Women's Bowling Green competition held last 1996 (i was still but a naive college freshmen then). This activity is such a posh sport! Brits are such posh people! Please see extra photos for the marker.   You might just see my reflection on the marker's very shiny surface.

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