Aye, aye, skipper...

Glorious weather.  A wonderful swim in our outdoor pool at the Gym. A chance to catch up with friends.  With the prospect of good tennis this afternoon.  What's not to like :-)

I have every good intention of doing some serious cleaning upstairs today - but I keep putting it off.  Too sunny to waste.  I went over to Elford Hall Gardens again and spent a good hour just wandering with my camera. Dragonflies, damselflies, small tortoiseshells, ringlets, (a gatekeeper who would not settle), meadow brown, bees and even ladybirds (in short supply this year).

But I couldn't resist this skipper, lording it over the garden and posing nicely on one of the globes.  (Is it a large or a small one, though ?)

Extra photos - fun with lavender

And thank you so much for the hearts and stars yesterday, which meant my scruffy little robin ended up on the popular page.

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