House Martin

Definite signs of a House Martin nest under the eaves.  I've been trying on an off to photograph them for days. Mostly I've had my hands full of anything but the camera or they fly just as I get close.    

The best of the photos I've taken without a card in my camera... dohhh! Others I took with the wrong lens and still others with a ridiculously low ISO setting when I was set up for something else.  Back to the drawing board and this morning I came up with this.   Eureka... one for the BTO.  

I came home this morning to find a newt exiting the tank.  I set it in a sunny spot at the side of the water in the pond, took a photo and said goodbye.  It had absorbed the last of it's gills overnight and was ready for a amphibian world.  Needless to say, it's my extra photo for today.  

There are another four newts larvae in the tank at diverse stages of development. I hate to tell you but you may see other pics yet.  

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