Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Wood Ant

Why do I do it? These little monsters bite!  They also have a terrible habit of rearing their bums and spraying formic acid which really doesn't have a pleasant odour. I'd only popped to the shop for a moment but realised that if I didn't give the dogs a walk then, well there would be no time so headed for the heath with a pair of holey clogs on my feet.  Ants are much smaller than the perforations! 

On the up side, the heath is beginning to come into flower. It is so pretty to see swathes of grasses in the breeze and areas slowly becoming pinker by the day.

I returned home from the heath and removed my trousers quickly. A number of ants had made their way up the legs and were still attached to my skin. Oh well, I got my blip. :)

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