Pure magic

I had promised myself a return visit to see how the kingfisher and the nest were progressing and I was so disappointed to wake to torrential rain.

Luckily it cleared and I headed off, to find that the male kingfisher had been very active, particularly fishing.

I struggle with binoculars and my camera so I just watched him for a while. The river was slow and the fish were abundant. To see the whole process of dive and reappear with fish, then to fly to a convenient perch was a real treat.

Then I tried with the camera - and was thrilled to catch this shot of him, orange underside in view, as he headed to his little cove, to wait for another fishing trip.

Extra photos were taken later, when he decided to perch on the other side of us, but I wasn't so lucky.

The only worrying side of this marvellous morning was that he didn't once venture anywhere near to the nest. Let's hope he just wasn't needed, but I am fearful.  Apparently, ignoring common sense and the law, some members of the local fishing club have been defying the indicator posts !!

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