A Crow

And a big bugger at that! I couldn't believe the size of this thing! When I first noticed it it was sitting on the light above me on Metheringham train platform. It was scarily big! I took a shot of it there and then it flew to the trees on the other side of the tracks, so I took another shot of it over there - this shot!

This morning I was running late and almost missed my train to Metheringham. In my haste to collect my tickets from the machine, I mistakenly grabbed my outward ticket and the last person's receipt. (They must have wanted a receipt as it only prints one if you select one, so they must have left it behind by mistake too!)

 I didn't realise until I went to present my return ticket on the way home and the rather rude collector assumed I was a blagger, hoping I would get away with presenting someone else's receipt! Of course I had to pay again! It's only 20p less one way than it is for a return! So today's journey cost almost double! So annoying!!

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