Lazy Blip Alert.

What a drab weather day.  Where's the Summer gone?

Spent the morning writing reports that I said I was going to do last night.  Then off to work but was canceled en route. That was a waste of 99 miles!

Home now but the weather is still too yucky to go out side to blip.  So heres the flowers my friend who came for dinner gave me on Friday night me.  A good choice of colours for miserable weather!

Iv just made myself a smoothie from left over salad from the weekend.  I added spiralina. It's mud colour and is revolting but I shall persevere! !! If theres no Blip from me tomorrow you will know why! !!

and thank you so much to CharlotteJ for linking to LooseCanon's sofware for saving our journals. Its simple to follow and quite safe. It took me a few attempts to get it going but that was due to my old brain and computer! I now have 3 years worth of blips all backed up and text saved. Thank you so much to both of you!

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