
By Cigs


I got 4 hours off today. The boys had the afternoon with their mother.

I got things done; I wanted to get to the allotment and see how overgrown it all was (clue: Very. And then some). But as the rain was falling, I took wee Zander's now too small bike to the Bike Station. Along with my long done Giant commute bike that's been languishing in the shed since the start of the year. It's too expensive to repair so hence I bought a new one for hacking about town.

So having dropped off the bikes, I turned the corner to nab a Cigs and got this one I'd been eyeing up for a while.

As I'm standing there, I get collateral damage in the form of Anth on a bike- resplendent in his Bretagne top. Facebook later tells me he was on a lunch hour training mission and no amount of yelling was going to attract his attention as he sped off into town.

Black  paint, vertical, capitals. Undated but 14, I think. And an arrow just to add a megalomaniac touch...

Got bugger all done at the allotment; rain stopped play. So I met her for the briefest of after work drinks then went home.

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