
I have had a friend staying.  She and I have an historic Scrabble battle going on - over the years we've remained pretty even give or take a game or two.  While she was here we fitted in three games (I won't mention that I won two of them as I would hate her to think that she can't play in the big leagues).  Not having time this morning for another round before she had to leave we began the day with a game of Upwords (I'm sure it's immaterial that I won it) instead.

Gee, sorry T, maybe it'll be your turn next visit!

Once she left I had every intention of remaining in my dressing gown all day  as I have picked up a cold and am feeling lousy.  I did some work, isn't the technology that allows us to do that from home a marvel?  But at 3 p.m. I realised I'd best go out and find a blip.  

As I headed out of town I noticed the cloud had lifted and there were small patches just showing up the valleys and under the ridges.  I thought I'd photograph them on my way back - but 20 minutes later the cloud had come in again and there were no valleys, ridges or hills to be seen.  That is a disadvantage with rain here in Murchison.  If we have a hard frost the cloud will lift by mid-day and we'll have glorious blue skies, but if it rains everything remains grey.

Anyway I drove up to The Blackwater Bridge as I haven't been up there in far too long.  The river is usually fairly shallow here as the water flows over rock shelves but you can certainly see the power she can wield in that full sized beech trunk that has washed down.

It is wedged well under the bridge, and poking out the other side too.  It will probably be there for years now as it is caught on two of the bridge piles (is that what they're called?).

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