
I had appointments in Richmond and Nelson today, and jobs to do. 

The first was to call in to the opticians to pick up my new glasses, then to pop into the pet shop for a new comb for Jasper.  While I was walking past a shoe shop it called me in to try on a pair of black boots.  They didn't have them in my size but the horrid man in the shop talked me in to trying on a purple pair.  Wouldn't you know it, they fitted! And they're a different style and colour from my other purple ones - so I had to buy them.

After that I had a bit of time to spare so I stopped in at Washbourne Gardens to see the butterflies.  It was a lovely sunny afternoon so they weren't clustering, but flying around all over the park.  A great sight.  I found this one trying to blend into a bed of orange poppies.

From there I went to a work meeting then finished the day off with a pedicure.  Bliss.

I'm staying in Nelson tonight as I have my regular quarterly haircut tomorrow.

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