Blippin' Nora!

I've finally reached 365 blips - hurrah! Okay, so it's taken slightly longer than 365 days but whose counting, hey!?

My main purpose of joining was to improve my photography and learn how to get the most out of owning a fancy DSLR. I've got a long way to go but I'm happy with what I've learnt so far. I now understand a bit of photography lingo and techniques and have tried to include as many different genres as possible, such as sports, wildlife, portraits and I've even had a go at a story board (I'm sure there's a more technical description for this). My favourite thing of all though is having somewhere to document and capture the little moments of my family life. I dare say that without blip I may have forgotten some of the funny things that my children say and do.

And let's not forget what a lovely supportive community this is. I really enjoy looking at other photos and am constantly amazed at the creativity and technical flair that some possess.
Any way you've heard it all before and you know you're fab!

100 blips
200 blips
300 blips

A few personal favourites (in terms of the effort that I put in to get the shot that I wanted)

Bouglione fun
The letter
A sketch
The stand off

So, what's next I ask myself?
Well, I'd love a macro lens and photoshop would be nice, oh and a tripod may come in handy and a photography course would be interesting and helpful, but, alas, the kids need new shoes so I guess I'll just keep plugging away and send them to work when they're old enough to fund Mummy's hobby!

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