Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Monday -- "Journey's End"

The name of this cute little house "Journey's End" caught our attention way back in the summer of 1985 when we were on vacation exploring and enjoying California's coastline. For a vacation that year Mr. Fun, myself, and our daughter, who was a teenager at the time, traveled up California's coast and back down to our home in southern California. We had our brand new Santana tandem bicycle and Mr. Fun's mountain bike with us.

I don't temember what part of the vacation, whether we were headed north or back south, but we spent a night in this quaint, tiny beach town called Cayucos (ki-u-cuss) and early the next morning Mr. Fun went out riding his bicycle to explore and discover, so that later in the day he could take us two girls bicycling to see the places and things with him that he had discovered.

That particular morning he came back from his ride excited about a cute little house he had seen on Pacific Avenue with the perfect title "Journey's End." He took us to look at it later that day.

From that time on, we've occasionally reminded each other of a little beach house aptly named "Journey's End." Now we see that house often and more than you would think, we replay that story to one another reminscing about all those years ago and how appropriate we thought the name "Journey's End " was (and still is), so today I photographed it from the shoreline side, which reveals a house that has a large door that opens completely to expose an entire room to the outdoors. The opened room looks wonderful.

This "Journey's End" house and its name have been a sentimental conversation we've revisited numerous times over the past 25 years, so now you know the story too.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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