twinned with trumpton


A day that the first real action is at the dentist can only get better. It's not Confucious, but it might as well be.

After that we bought Matilda for 50p and got G with the minimum of fuss and - via Asda - headed for the the place that's Twinned with Trumpton to have lunch with the parents.

Gloomy but not prohibitively so, we had Tom's favourite - macaroni cheese. And after expressing my views to an indifferent audience, we got the tractor out and the kids took it in turns to drive around with the non drivers riding in the trailer.
Once that was done, Paw took the kids to build a wigwam type structure out of branches and Maw and I wandered up past the pond.
Afternoon tea, then home and they all slept at some point.
Dropped G back along with supplies for the rest of the weekend; and home for one last bedtime before they vanish to Devon for 3 weeks.

It's gonna be quiet around here tomorrow. Not least because I have an allotment to tend to. And a partner to spend some time with.

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