'It's ok.. I don't think they've noticed me..'

..Actually they had!
But I felt the starlings chose not to attack the only young sparrow brave enough to face them on the feeder.
Why didn't they?
I don't know.
Many of the starlings (and there were many!) were bloody from skirmishes, so it's not that they were 'kind'..
Or is it?
They did give fair and square warning eventually - and the little one sensibly took heed.

I was up at the crack.. Ok, no.
I was up early, well..
On the early side :-)
The morning was blue and beautiful (one of those where you want to burst into loud song, like 'there's a bright golden haze on the meadow..' (And slap your thigh, with a 'BBLL..LESS your beautiful hide'. Which is probably mixing Musicals?).
I took the camera outside with a cup of coffee (hazelnut, if you're interested) and took many photos (whilst it went cold).
None of them were birds.
My blip was all set for a butterfly (and narrative) by 10am.
(Large white or small tortoiseshell, I hadn't quite chosen).

Then I put some fat balls on the feeders.
And The Mob arrived.

I've blipped starlings many times before and wouldn't have today, except for the little one lost amongst them. (I wish I could publish the sequence of their interaction, it is quite entertaining).

It's mid afternoon.
An early blip (for me).

I shall now go and chain myself to the cooker for a serious 'set to'.

'Set to'?
'Got one on her'?
'Do one'?
Isn't the English language funny?? 
Are the above three phrases linked today?
Nah! :-)

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