Not scarey enough !

Went down the road to check the cattle. Moved cows and calves into another field as the grass going to get away from them . Made a bit of progress with the bulling heifers. Put the feeding out on the ground then retreated to the Land Rover and they eventually came up and started eating.
Had to put some scarecrows up in the winter barley,as the jackdaws have started on it. They don't take long to ruin a crop. Never sure if it does any good,or just moves them on to another part of the field.
Spent the afternoon dismantling the shearing pens ready to stack away,as will need the shed soon to dump grain.
Mrs Farmerboab away out to meet a couple of school pals ,and I had instructions to remember and feed my children ! So a quick cheat with a trip to the chippie ! Noticed the home delivery guy filling up his hot bag at the counter. The bag had a notice printed  on it 'CAUTION CONTENTS IS HOT' . Take it the bag came from some foreign land and lost the grammar in translation.

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