
We woke to a layer of snow on the ground this morning, although it seemed to have froze with the frost that occurred overnight.  It wasn't cold, cold, well not comparing it to Murchison temperatures, but it was still rather fresh.

After packing up and cleaning our holiday home, we met up with some of our family before we all went our separate ways and headed home.

With the snow falling overnight, we were a wee bit concerned that the Lewis Pass may just be closed.  However, after checking the road report and seeing no closures, we headed off.  While there was snow on the ground, the roads were really good to travel on - and the scenery was so beautiful, especially with the brilliant cloudless blue sky.

This is the Deer Stalkers Ass hut in the Lewis Pass.  It bet it's cold staying there at this time of the year!

We've had a wonderful time on holiday...and now it's back to reality and work tomorrow.

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