Did you get me?!

Two birds with one stone.

The two birds being a cat called Jakey and that rhododendron again!

There was me thinking that I wouldn't be blipping this giant pink rhododendron again for quite some time. How wrong was I?
I feel I might have to blip it again now before the week is out.

So yes, when Jakey runs up a tree it is quite straightforward.
He wants his picture taking. And I know when this is going to happen, because he wiggles his bum and then takes a big running jump at the nearest tree.

He's very fortunate that I have my camera on me when he does this and the other plus side is that everyone else gets to see him displaying his very fine tree climbing skills too.

Talking of which... I blipped some student arboriculturists at the weekend when I went to an open day at their agricultural college. Some were making giant mushrooms out of tree trunks. Another one was in the tree tops on a rope.

If Ms jkj10 had been there I know she would have had some super close up portraits of them. I would have done myself but I didn't like to push through the big crowd of spectators.

Maybe next time...?!
Yes, definitely.

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