Boarstall Tower

I thought it time that we ventured out as we hadn't really been anywhere since the 7th July. This is Boarstall Tower which was originally a gate house to a grand mansion which no longer stands. The area was part of Bernwood Forest & a favourite hunting forest of Edward I. He awarded the "estate" to an Anglo Saxon for the successful slaying of a large killer boar, the threat of which had stopped the King from hunting in his favourite forest.

The moated gatehouse which dates from the 14th century, & the main house had a chequered past which culminated in the owner of the "big house" demolishing it because he believed it to be cursed. The platform of the 2 houses (one constructed of wood & one of stone) are visible in the garden though nothing tangible remains.

It was derelict for many years but was then rescued by a lady looking for an old house to renovate. This was in 1925. Some years later it was given to the National Trust. 

Its an unusual place because it is only open on Wednesdays & it is tenanted - in other words someone lives there all year round & everything you see inside belongs to the couple that live there. All visits are chaperoned by a volunteer, so if you visit you must take the tour to see inside.

We left here & made our way home across country stopping in Brill en-route hence the extra shot of Brill Windmill.

Fine day with a hint of rain

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