I often think, along with many others, I’m sure, that I spend far too much time looking for a blip - this morning for instance, having got up late, I spent sometime taking photographs for Abstract Thursday - I was amazed when I put them onto my Macbook to find I had taken over a hundred!
Then, of course, there is the problem of sorting through them and deciding which ones are just no good, which ones could be used at a push and which ones are definites, which of course, all takes time - and the ironing is still waiting to be done!
Actually, the whittling down didn’t take that long - I was very ruthless and ended up with four possibilities. This one was my favourite, and when Mr. HCB came in from the garden, he said it was his favourite too - so here is an abstract “frog” - well, we both thought it looked like a frog, but of course, a frog was not harmed in the making of this!
I didn’t know quite what the object was called, so looked on the internet and found out that this is an “Ooze Tube liquid motion toy” that belonged to one of our two sons when they were living at home, but I don’t even remember which one. I always turned it over when I went into their room just because I liked to watch the gel spiral down from the top of the container to the bottom. It has always fascinated me, so it seemed quite natural to use it today, and I must admit I still turn it over, and still enjoy watching it.
We don’t stop playing
because we grow old;
we grow old
because we stop playing.
George Bernard Shaw
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