
By Madchickenwoman

Life and Death!

today I got that glorious  whoosh of excitement taking photographs! I think  it was because my mood lifted even though it was not all a good news day. I phoned vet early as Milly really wasn’t right, so had an appointment at 2 for her and Shadow, who was looking perky and had had a proper BO although still distended. So grabbed Lucy early and went up to Friend. She was tired and also feeling bloated but was still chatty. I’ve been trying to sort my feelings out this last week and had an incredible anger in me, which again surfaced at hers, along with tears which did surprise and shock me, but which I swiftly got under control. I can’t go into it all here but suffice it to say  I didn’t know if it was another post shingles slump that had laid me low or my emotions that had brought on another slump. I explained to friend that this was why I had been staying away, that it  really wasn't good for anyone  to be around me at the moment as I knew  things would bubble to the surface that I would no doubt regret later. It was so good to see her and  the guilt I had for not having seen her since Friday was let go off. I cannot begin to fathom how she remains so positive despite everything when I seem to be a ridiculous mess and really I should get over that as it’s not about me but her. So – I’m exhaling … releasing it all, and breathing in a little more lightness into myself and kindness for others. Negativity really is such a corrosive emotion. 
The vets – I held  Shadow as the vet stuck a fine needle in her abdomen to see whether it was fluid or a tumour – since nothing came out she gave her an x-ray. Whilst she did that I chatted to the young lad on work experience in the room. I’m hoping he will never eat chicken again after I told him all about them and their unique personalities. He was rather taken with Shadow and so I knew once he saw Milly he would be smitten – which he was! I even got him to hold her and he adored her feathery feet! Bad news re Shadow, she was full of pus and it was peritonitis, another week of antibiotics had a 1% chance or working, so I decided that although she was acting fine, it was time. So she was put on the floor for a final bit of freedom whilst Milly was looked at. Luckily she was just prescribed wormer and antibiotics so hopefully whatever is upsetting her will be sorted. Meanwhile Shadow was pecking at the doorstop and then started to preen herself – seriously, how hard did she have to make my decision! Work experience lad commented how she obviously wanted to go looking her best bless him! Gallows humour – he’ll go far! The vet said if a cat or dog had what she had everyone would know it, but chickens hide it till they are near deaths door. I gave Shadow one last cuddle and kiss and then left, close to tears but I knew it was right. I did ask lad if he had seen many tears on his placement, he said no but had brought his own cat and dog to the vets in the past so had obviously shed some of his own. 
Next stop Callington for frozen mice, fish food, and a new blade for my hack saw. So Trewartha Gregory and Doidge it was – the ironmongers come cook shop come gardeners come dressmakers come wedding shop! Every town should have one – more character and characters than any other shop can dream of. First photo was the weighing scales for the bins of peas, beans and grass seed! Outside whilst taking the shop façade and the sister wedding/cake/dressmakers shop opposite my eye was caught by the church. I had never really noticed it from this angle before, and its front is rather gloomy and unremarkable so have never given it more notice. Well what a little gem I had been missing! I noticed in taking the first photo the  virgin and child , reminiscent of Freespirals Ballinspittle’s Virgin yesterday! So in trying to get a good view of the Virgin I discovered the back of the church – oh my! Then a sundial stuck on the corner of the roof, then gravestones to die for on the outer walls!!! I will go back when I don’t have a poorly chicken in a cat basket in my car!!! You can see all the views here!

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