Evening Marigold

Long day on the allotment. The front and one side of the shed  now has 3 coats of paint, one side has one coat and I've run out of paint! But at least it means with a new tin i will have enough to paint my allotment bench aubergine as well! Rest of the day spent digging to plant more seeds, and the inevitable unearthing of more potatoes as they were going where the potatoes had been grown. I now also have a row of Cleomes and sunflowers which had been rooting in my home pots where the birds had thrown them! Also a fine bed of lettuce thanks to The "Maid" man! Having finally given up on my Peonies ever flowering in pots i took the first up to go in the allotment. This meant moving the metal cat shaped boot scraper - unfortunately when I lifted the cat the concrete square it was screwed into fell off and grazed my shin. Luckily I had 2 hand sanitising spray in my shed and even luckier I used the one without natural lemon juice as boy did the one I did use sting! 
I was supposed to be having dinner with French Dweller on the allotment so after getting home and showering I contacted her to see what time she wanted to meet me - but I couldn't get hold of her so it was dinner for one at home! Back to the allotment to put the girls to bed and to take photos of flowers rather than our Al fresco dining and I gathered some French and Broad beans and my first courgette and had an omelette with them and the potatoes I had unfortunately speared whilst digging! Eggs were courtesy of the allotment girls of course! 

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