wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

At least I have a paintbrush.........

Tony Tigerbear here.
This is my paintbrush. Last night I took everyone of my toys out of my toy box of awesomeness and put them all over the living room floor. Mom said "TTB what is going on here?" I said.....wait for it.......
HA! I am a cat.
I felt the urge.
That's what we do.
Mia has kicked me out of my box of invisibility. You know that line; I am a lover not a fighter........ That is not Mia's motto. She is mean. I am sweet and lovable and really quiet...WAIT I WILL BE RIGHT BACK!!!!!!
OK where was I? Oh yeah Mia, she just interrupted my writing by biting my bum. My sister Ethel taught me how to hiss. I rock the hissing. I can do it really loud. Mia is totally not intimidated by that. I still do not use my fingernails. I am a good boy. Abused but a good boy.
So mom said the word TREAT tonight. I ran to the kitchen and stared at the cabinet. I stared long and hard. I willed it to open. It did not. My mom deserted me as I waited. I went up to her bedroom and tried to explain. She thought I was a good boy and gave me some anyway. She loves me.
Anyway, I have a busy night ahead of me. Mom picked up all my toys and put them back in my toy box. As I sit here typing, I can hear them calling to me.......Tony Tigerbear......come get us.....we are stuck in a basket. As soon as Dad goes to bed, they will be liberated. Until then, I will watch them, and Daddy, and of course the cabinet. unless I go upstairs and snuggle with Mom. She pats me and sings to me. Not too high that is irritating. she is learning a new song and sings it like a thousand times over and over.......paw over mouth. Works like a charm.
So I am off to bed I think, to rest up for the big jailbreak tonight.
I will be back soon..........
Until then G'Day downunder and goodnight to the North.

(Wait what the heck is spell check. It turns my words into things that make no sense.)

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