wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Day one in Champagne-Urbana

First of all, thank you so much for putting me into the spotlight. It was there for a long time.
I will tell you the truth,
It was taken very quickly and with my cell phone as I wanted to get the blip I so I could play scattegories. So a quick blip with no deep thought turns out to be one of my highest rated. Go figure.

Yesterday Ingrid's son Aidan asked her to bring him home coins from Illinois. She had to explain that Illinois was still in the United States and they still use the same
currency. Love that.
Before we left she went to the doctor. Her ankle is not broken and is it a sprain. The moon boot is gone. We had to go home before we left to get her other shoe.

We flew out of Boston this morning landed in Chicago,
And then flew to champaign Urbana. I was a bit concerned when we were delayed because they couldn't get the door shut on the plane. After the mechanic came fixed it, we took off for the University of Illinois champagne Urbana. Yeah that didn't bother me at all.
I also wore my new blue cardigan. (Don't start with me Supertramp) turns out when you sweat in a new blue sweater. It makes your armpits blue. Ingrid yelled at me to put my sweater back on as I had Grover armpits. It was a trauma I tell you.
Here I am at O'Hare scrubbing under my arms and hysterically laughing.
I have to say, when we got here I was a bit overwhelmed and I was in sensory overload. After a brisk walk and a beer with some friends, the edge was off and I felt great.
The festival was opened by a band called Emma's Revolution. They were unbelievable. I got goosebumps.
For the next three days there are a lot of workshops, concerts, and meeting.
On my walk I found this sign.
This was on the sidewalk outside a hot dog shop.
It had to be my blip.
When I get back I will do a blipfolio of my trip.
Until then, sweet dreams to the north and g'day to down under!

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