Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Something borrowed, something blue.

Well, I've been quite the busy bee recently. 

As you know, I am now officially a grown up due to the fact I turned 20 about 16 days ago. So far it's been a bit rubbish as I've got no job or money and trying to keep myself busy has been tough. However, this past week has been quite good. I went to Manchester to see the beloved and because I'm such a pro at life, I saved some birthday money up for going so it was quite good. Plus mum gave me a nandos voucher (bonus jonas). 

Then when I came back I had some serious flat searching to do. I don't know if I mentioned this but they original house I was going to have with 6 others, all fell through and all hope of finding something was lost. But me and my friend Hannah had been searching for the perfect 2 bed for me and her. We found the loveliest little flat just by my Uni. So I've been depositing pennies onto that and sorting out forms and rubbish tax things. Honestly, when did it get so hard to move house?! 

And the poem, well... I didn't write it (obviously) it's my brothers. It's his birthday today and I bought him a new exercise journal to write his poems in and when I went to put his clean washing in his room (yes I do my brothers washing, and the whole families for that matter) I thought I'd have a little peak. It took me a while but in fact it's just lovely. So simple yet thought provoking. 

Happy Birthday Danny!

Happy Blipping.

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