Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Of recent I haven't been feeling my most glam. Probably because I am totally off the wagon when it comes to slimming world and other diet activities. 

I wish I could give some sort of reason but it's simply, I can't be bothered. I spend all day at home and I feel like food is the only thing I'm able to enjoy. Even if its just like a sandwich, it's good to know that something hasn't been taken away. 

Now, I could reel out 100 different reasons why I don't want to diet. I could say how I'm off from the summer, how I'm unemployed, or maybe that I don't want to conform to societies 'skinny'. Or perhaps I just love lovely food to much? I could also say that I have a new boyfriend so I'm still attempting to be cool by getting takeaways and going out all the time.

But in reality, I have no time than ever to diet, I only see Lee every two weeks for 3 days and diet food can be lovely too. I could use every reason in the world but really its me that's the problem. I am my own worst enemy and the only person or thing stopping me, is me. 

Happy Blipping. 

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