A (nuther) Bee..
.. On some lavender.
I do love to see the light catch the lavender, and it's a bonus when a bee alights too.
Earlier, I had braced myself (with disposable gloves and a 'pinny') to do some serious cherry-stoning. This is an activity I only perform two or three times annually, and always think I’ll need to wear protective clothing and goggles. In fact it was surprisingly quick and not very ‘spurty’ at all, despite the juiciest cherries ever. I rejoice in the little cherry-stoner gadget I purchased a few years ago. A genius device and worth every penny, though I do get my leg pulled for being a bit gullible in the gadget department. If someone is demonstrating a bit of kitchen kit in a shopping arcade, it’s likely to be me who believes that this will be the best mandolin/grater/garlic press ever invented, and I have the scars to prove it! (Mandolins really should come with a health and safety warning).
This blip must take the biscuit for being the longest ever in production. Computer issues continue to confound (in the ‘switch off for no apparent reason’ department) and also I am relaxing in front of the TV and find myself somewhat distracted by number one hits of the 1980s.
(‘This is the last voice you will ever hear, don’t be alarmed’!).
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