
By tookie

AAA to the Rescue!

We actually SLEPT in which is something very unusual...especially for me.  Needed some extra mental rest!  well...the only minor break was a funny text from fellow blipper friend Sydney to say "It's RAINING!"  and that was great news rain dance worked than:)  It did rain half the day anyways.  Every little bit is gratefully received!!!

Then we headed out and got some delicious looking and well priced blueberries...than off to wash the dogs....well R did that while I waited in the car...then upon his return the car refused to restart.  After an hour and a half wait AAA came and yep...needed a new battery.  But since he took so long he decided to pretend the warranty still had a couple months on the other one we'd bought from them so we ended up with a free brand new one.  Well worth the wait.  Then home to eat Thai food truck take out and more snoozing and relaxing.  We can't seem to rev up the engines on ourselves quite batteries?  
Tomorrow is the third memorial of the week and it will be a very sad and hard one.

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