

This evening finds me wrapped in two blankets*, with my feet up - one of them under a cold compress :-(

I was looking-up bumblebees (having achieved a fairly sharp capture of one and with high hopes of it not being 'common'). I'd been sitting for longer than I'd realised (one foot tucked up underneath me - as is my, not very sensible, wont).
I stood up in a hurry and the (by then) numb and asleep foot gave out from under me and there was an 'orrible wrench as I put my weight on my ankle.  A large lump on foot ensued startlingly quickly, as did a swimming head and faintness. 'I'll walk it off', I thought. (Going 'ow, ow, ow'). To cut an amusing story short, I staggered to open the front door (because obviously, if you're going to be unconscious at all, it's helpful to let burglars in) and struggled with the dilemma of 'raise' the poor foot at the same time as putting head between knees to combat faintness, whilst sitting on the step.
I'll leave you find an image in your mind for that one.
(I was rescued fairly promptly, fortunately for any passers-by!).

I had couple of photos to choose from to blip today; not a shrill carder bee (sadly!).. but a very nice common carder bee, a very nice old lady moth (most apt I know. Don't!).. But I've opted for the caterpillar I haven't yet identified.

*I'm frozen. Shock I think. (But I can smile and sing 'Happy Birthday' and stuff, so I'm sure I'm ok). If I don't improve I'll go and get looked at. Honest :-)

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