My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Going For Gold

Well, we succumbed to 'Olympic Fever' today.

Yes we joined the throng, along Lauriston Place, at it's junction with Forrest Road and waited for the moment to pass.

Umpteen police motorcycle outriders approached us, blue lights flashing but with sirens muted, apart from a toot on the horn and a friendly wave.

But no TORCH!

A few more police passed by and then we caught sight of a convoy of vehicles.

Could this be that moment?

Cars and buses dressed in the Olympic livery, with 'athletic looking people' on board, all proudly waving.

I didn't recognise anyone unfortunately.

And then suddenly, we saw it!

Inside one of the buses there were two people, each holding a torch but neither of them lit.

Was that it?

No, an announcement over the p.a. system let us know that the official torch bearer is only 5 minutes away.
The two people we had seen were the previous and the final runner for the day.

Assorted lorries from some of the major sponsors drove past, as the countdown continued.






One lone runner and his eight strong escort.

Cameras at the ready, aim, focus, click and then, they're gone!

A once in a lifetime moment!

I'll see it again tomorrow though, when it passes along my main street.

Tomorrow is also its last day in Scotland.

It's all downhill from there, to London and the 2012 Games!

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