My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

You Only Live Twice

What was I saying yesterday about the Olympic Torch Relay being a 'once in a lifetime' experience!

Deja vu or what!

Well when you've seen one flaming torch etc etc

This time around we had the added bonus of safety barriers and marshals to ensure we had a safe but secure time.

Now I don't know about you but I get a bit riled when someone gets in the way of a good photo opportunity and that seems to have been the sole purpose of having the marshals, to spoil your pictures, perhaps that's the idea.

There'll probably be an official DVD released in a couple of weeks entitled 'Down Your Street'

Fortunately I have a super fast shutter and an equally fast finger too, so I rattled off a few frames and I liked this one.

I hope you do too!

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