50 Shades of Red

Spent two hours in the hairdresser's chair to restore my greying hair to its "natural" colour:-)  Not sure for how much longer I'll keep up this pretence, but for now I'm happy to pay for the illusion that I'm still a young thing!

Still working on the new Windows 10 upgrade, but don't think I've quite worked out how to use it to its full potential yet and keep "cheating" by reverting to my old browser, where I can find everything.  Not wildly impressed with the Photo app, which seems very limited compared to other programmes I use. 

I get the initial impression it's geared for the user who is into social media, with quick links to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (none of which I use).  It expects you to know what to do rather more than I would like.  For example, when I switched my PC on the day after I loaded the new system I was faced with a lovely photo (not mine) and the date and time.  I sat and looked at it for a few moments, waiting for it to do something (like ask for my password), but nothing happened. 

Eventually it dawned on me to hit Enter and lo and behold, up came the password screen.  It would have been so much friendlier if the original screen had just said "Hit Enter"!!  You would have known that, I'm sure, but I'm just old (and grey!) and not as tech savvy as I liked to think:-)  I shall persevere, however, as I'm not a quitter!

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