How now brown cow.

I was doing some housework this morning, when I suddenly developed a migraine. I took my tablets, and luckily, it passed after about half and hour. I manged to finish off my work, and then we had a cuppa. After lunch, we went to Lidl, to get a few basics, and I also got two  pairs of sports socks. On the way back home, we made a short detour through some country lanes, and as we drove around the corner we encountered a traffic jam. We were on stop for about fifteen minutes, and when we  eventually moved, we saw they were  laying tar on one of the small side roads. A bit further down the road, we managed to pull into a lay by, and saw these cows, chewing the cud. It looks to me as if the grey cow is heavily pregnant, but not sure what relation  the brown cow is to her. We are having an M&S curry tonight, so looking forward to that. We will be watching, Tut, on channel 5 tonight, so I hope it will be good. It's on for two and a half hours, and then concludes tomorrow night. Just hope I can stay awake. The weather has been so cold today, so I am giving up all hope of summer now.

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