Todays Reading.

J dropped me at the gym, and he went off to Porthcawl to go to the hobby shop. When i came out, i walked over to the church . I haven't been for ages, and as soon as i walked in, i had a lovely welcome. I always take a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits and Kevin, who is the caretaker, calls them suggestive biscuits, so now that has stuck in my head and that is what they will forever be called. I had a nice cup of tea and we chatted about everything under the sun. I always take a few photos, but they don't always come out too well. These lovely flowers were put there for a wedding about a week ago, so i thought they would be nice to blip with the pulpit in the background. When i left i walked into town to get my g/daughter a small gift as an incentive for all the hours she has put in this week. It was her day off today, and i dropped it off for her on our way home . She was thrilled. I also bought myself a scarf from Monsoon. I have been fancying it for ages ,and as it was reduced, i decided to treat myself. Here endeth todays lesson!

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