what we did today...

By SarnieV


When I said I fancied making a cake and was there any requests....A just wanted cake, D a chocolate hedgehog cake and C a plain Victoria sponge. So this is what I made - and the boys traded the bit of cake they didn't want! Kids! You gotta laugh or you'd cry!

Had a lovely nearly 10k run through the Penicuik Estate this morning. I had headed out to just do a 5k half hour run but it was so lovely out, I added a few more hills and loops on. That's not happened before - I guess I must be getting fitter!

This eve I've been out for a big fast walk in the Pentlands in the sunshine, the friend I was with had stuff to talk about that needed a good stomp. I hope I've lightened her load a little by giving her time to rant and stomp.

Now I'm home to my glass of red and some salted chocolate...good job I ran nearly 10k this morning!

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