
By Angelique


Sorry but I always think of this song whenever I see a Lilly. 

This is the first flower from a pot of beautiful lilies we brought with us and the smell is delicious.  ( I am also trying to include the extra photo that didn't happen yesterday - the unknown plant on the way to the beach)

The weather has been windy but bright today and we have been busy as usual.  We had a good rehearsal of the 10 songs we are performing on Tuesday at the Music  in the Park.  In the past they have had Jazz in the Park but this year they have asked for 70's music.  We feel honoured to be asked considering they don't know us, so hope they like what we can do.  We are bending the rules a bit and performing Lilac Wine, Every Breath you Take  and Will Someone Ever Look at Me that way.  Not all seventies songs but almost to name but a few.

I have also dug out some 70's type clothes - wide leg trousers etc.

Our usual trip to the sea was quite exciting with the tide well in and huge waves.  Phoebe was a bit braver this evening and got wet.  So did I with a wave catching me out and drenching my shorts.

I hope your Saturday has been as exciting as ours and hope that Sunday will be kind to you all.  Sending love and thanks for yesterday's kind words on my Gladioli.   xxxx

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