Official British Summer!

Well it can't give two consecutive dry days! Today it's pissing down like there's no tomorrow. We have totally bypassed summer and are now in Autumn therefore I am going to prepare for Halloween!
Bugger this pesky weather. It had better be dry next week as I have tours every day of the week. I have a book of spells so am away to consult it for a good weather spell.
Now where did I put my broomstick!

Ha found it! Page 291 of the Carmina Gadelica

The eye of the great God,
The eye of the God of Glory
They eye of the King of hosts,
The eye of the King of the living,
Pouring upon us
At each time & season, 
Pouring upon us
Gently & generously.

Glory to thee, 
Thou glorious sun.

Glory to thee, thou sun, 
Face of the God of life

There,! though it sounds so much better in Gaelic.

Having recited it, the rain has just got worse! 
Ok so the Hebrideans didnt always get it right!

Carmina Gadelica

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