Race You!

We arrived at 9 am in Whitley Bay to look after Thomas (2 and a half) and James, ( 9 months) so that #2 daughter and husband could fly off for a city break in Gay Paree.

Thomas was already in nursery, but James seemed quite shocked to wake from his nap to find only us there and wasn't too happy about it. #3 daughter kindly suggested we get the metro to her house so that he'd have Ella and Nathaniel to play with - more entertaining company I'm sure. The boys kept going to the stairs to rush up - chasing each other - but neither of them can get down safely. James just turns round and gets ready to launch himself from the top, Eddie the Eagle style.

It was hectic from when we picked Thomas up. He organised James and Grandad to play a game that apparently Grannies weren't allowed to join In.

James is a crazy baby in the bath. I hope he's not covered in bruises. He kept pulling himself up then just throwing himself face down, or backwards. He is the one who swims under water, so he treats his 4 inches of bath water like it is a 4 ft deep swimming pool, He thought it was hilarious.

Mr C has gone to buy fish and chips. I hope we can stay awake to eat it.

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