Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Lacewing larvae...

..I think (?).

There are lacewings on nearby leaves anyway. I'd been wondering what these weird little (smaller than ant-sized) critters were, and then, more by luck than judgement, I found a website where someone in the US descibed being bitten by something that sounded similar. (His was a brown lacewing larvae, mine, I feel, is green). He described a painful and swollen bite, though this appeared to be a 'one-off' reaction.
It's taken a few weeks to get an image even this clear; they move at quite a lick, and are quite 'tall' with their cargo of aphid corpses, which plays havoc with DoF for macro shots!
This is my best effort anyway, it's been tiny prey to stalk!

(In other news, the grey dagger caterpillar which appears to have been hosting a parasite (something?) is most definitely alive and moving around, though does not appear to be eating.. One of the others (there were three) also appears to have had the cargo of it's 'egg' escape, with an exact same neat cut - as though the top had been sliced off a boiled egg. I AM being boring about this aren't I?).

In other other news, I received a little package in the post today, of photos I'd ordered. This is a rare occurance these days. I do attempt to keep photo albums reasonably up to date, but do so in fits and starts (because it's such a faff). So I've been trawling through the images so that the albums are at least vaguely in season order, if not date order.
Common sense says this was really a job for a rainy or winter day.
(I've never been too hot on common sense).

Bake - Off's back though...  !
It's like trying to resist something from 'Alien', I can feel the baking need rising up inside me, waiting to burst out (a bit like the dear lady's black forest gateau trifle, last night).
(I'm clearly an advertising executive's dream.
Impressionable or what?).

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