I'm not the only one!!

Managed to get myself together enough this morning to make it to the station and take the train to Didcot, where I was met by my friends who live near Oxford.

It was a beautiful sunny day, so we had a relaxing lunch and afternoon in the garden, catching up on the news from the last year! This evening we started making preparations for tomorrow's party. With 73 guests due to arrive, there's a lot to do!!

To get ourselves in the party mood, we opened a bottle of... Prosecco! As you can see from the label on the bottle and my friends' collection of corks, I'm not the only one who loves Prosecco!!

(Managed to catch up on a few replies whilst on the train this morning, but still desperately lagging behind. And with a busy day tomorrow, I'm afraid it's not going to be until Sunday that I get round to catching up with you all properly, sorry...)

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