
By FarmerGirl

In the snow

I got up at 2am and looked outside.  It was snowing quite heavily.  Not what you want to see especially when we have started calving.

At first light we headed out to check on the cows.  Luckily only one calf was born overnight, and it was ok.  Up to the cowshed to milk the cows, and then over to the calf shed to feed the calves. 

After milking we headed out to feed the cows.  By this stage the sun was trying to poke its head through the fog, and the snow was starting to melt.  The paddocks were full of slush where the cows had been standing overnight.

I took this photo of one of our group of cows, who were patiently waiting for Farmerboy to turn up with their hay.  We wound up their electric break, fed out some hay and ventured onto the next mob of cows. 

Once feeding out was finished, we arrived home to freshly made hot scones, thanks to my mother in law.  Yum!

The sun is now out, and the snow on the ground has now melted - thankfully.  It's going to be a cracker of a frost tonight.

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